Related LncRNAs
ID lncRNA Name Disease Method Sample Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID Source
EL0036 AF086415 nasopharyngeal carcinoma microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissue, cell lines (CNE-2 etc.) down-regulated expression Six lncRNAs (AF086415, AK095147, RP1-179N16.3, MUDENG, AK056098 and AK294004) were confirmed by qPCR. 24379026 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0040 AFAP1-AS1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma microarray, qPCR, Western blot, knockdown, ISH etc. NPC tissue, cell lines (5-8F, HNE2, HK-1) up-regulated interaction AFAP1-AS1 expression was upregulated in NPC and associated with NPC metastasis and poor prognosis. In vitro experiments demonstrated that AFAP1-AS1 knockdown significantly inhibited the NPC cell migration and invasive capability. AFAP1-AS1 knockdown also increased AFAP1 protein expression. Proteomic and bioinformatics analyses suggested that AFAP1-AS1 affected the expression of several small GTPase family members and molecules in the actin cytokeratin signaling pathway. AFAP1-AS1 promoted cancer cell metastasis via regulation of actin filament integrity. 26246469 Lnc2Cancer
EL0056 AK095147 nasopharyngeal carcinoma microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissue, cell lines (CNE-2 etc.) down-regulated expression Six lncRNAs (AF086415, AK095147, RP1-179N16.3, MUDENG, AK056098 and AK294005) were confirmed by qPCR. 24379026 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0079 AP5M1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissue, cell lines (CNE-2 etc.) up-regulated expression Six lncRNAs (AF086415, AK095147, RP1-179N16.3, MUDENG, AK056098 and AK294007) were confirmed by qPCR. 24379026 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0289 CDKN2B-AS1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma N/A N/A N/A mutation A SNP rs1412829 (C49137T) at CDKN2A-CDKN2B gene cluster on 9p21 is associated with this disease. 20512145 LncRNADisease
EL0289 CDKN2B-AS1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma N/A N/A N/A mutation More recently, additional GWAS identified ANRIL as a risk locus (rs3217992, A>G;rs1063192, C>T) for several cancers including breast cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and glioma. 20956613 LncRNADisease
EL0289 CDKN2B-AS1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma N/A N/A N/A locus A genetic susceptibility locus. 20956613 LncRNADisease
EL0289 CDKN2B-AS1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma N/A N/A N/A mutation In recent years, GWAS has identified ANRIL as a risk locus for NPC and other cancers. 24817925 LncRNADisease
EL0556 H19 nasopharyngeal carcinoma knockdown NPC tissues up-regulated N/A H19 regulated EZH2 expression suppressing the activity of miR-630 27040767
EL0575 HNF1A-AS1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma knockdown, colony-formation, wound-healing, and transwell assays, cell cycle analysis, western blot analysis tumor tissues from 20 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) as well as from cultured NPC cell lines N/A expression LncRNA, HNF1A-AS potentially regulates NPC tumorigenesis. HNF1A-AS was found to be associated with epithelial to mesenchymal transition. 26756620
EL0578 HOTAIR nasopharyngeal carcinoma knockdown nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells up-regulated interaction Hotair knockdown significantly attenuated both in vitro and in vivo tumor cell growth and angiogenesis. 26717040
EL0578 HOTAIR nasopharyngeal carcinoma N/A N/A N/A expression The result showed that, the expression levels of HOTAIR wereup-regulated in NPC tissues than in non-cancerous tissues. Further study demonstrated that HOTAIR was up-regulated in NPC cell lines with high invasive potential and the capacity for migration, invasion and proliferation was suppressed after knocking down HOTAIR expression. 24817925 LncRNADisease
EL0578 HOTAIR nasopharyngeal carcinoma qPCR, ISH etc. primary NPC tissue up-regulated N/A Quantified using qPCR, HOTAIR expression levels in fresh tissue and paraffin-embedded samples were 5.2 ~ 48.4-fold higher compared with non-cancer tissue samples. Moreover, HOTAIR expression levels increased with clinical stage progression, which was consistent with ISH findings in the paraffin-embedded tissue. Most importantly, NPC patients with higher HOTAIR levels had a poor prognosis for overall survival using univariate and multivariate analysis. In addition, HOTAIR mediated the migration, invasion and proliferation of NPC cells in vitro. 23281836 Lnc2Cancer
EL0654 LINC00312 nasopharyngeal carcinoma microarray, ISH etc. NPC, TMA tissue down-regulated expression Expression of LINC00312, a long intergenic non-coding RNA, is negatively correlated with tumor size but positively correlated with lymph node metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. 23529758 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0654 LINC00312 nasopharyngeal carcinoma N/A N/A N/A expression NAG-7 is a novel gene downregulated in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma. 11780420 LncRNADisease
EL0654 LINC00312 nasopharyngeal carcinoma Northern blot, Western blot etc. HNE1 cell line down-regulated expression NAG7 (LINC00312) gene re-expression could inhibit overproliferation of NPC cell by delaying the progression of G1 into S in cell cycle and inducing cell apoptosis. 12452030 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0654 LINC00312 nasopharyngeal carcinoma qPCR, Western blot, Luciferase reporter assay, ISH etc. cell line (HNE1) up-regulated Interaction NAG7 (LINC00312) promotes human nasopharyngeal carcinoma invasion through inhibition of estrogen receptor alpha and up-regulation of JNK2/AP-1/MMP1 pathways. 19591174 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0692 LINC01315 nasopharyngeal carcinoma microarray, qPCR etc. NPC tissue up-regulated expression Results. In primary NPC, upregulation of?lnc-C22orf32-1,?lnc-AL355149.1-1, and?lnc-ZNF674-1 was observed. High levels of?lnc-C22orf32-1 and?lnc-AL355149.1-1 were significantly associated with the male patients 24822202 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0762 lnc-AL355149.1-1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma microarray, qPCR etc. NPC tissue up-regulated expression Results. In primary NPC, upregulation of?lnc-C22orf32-1,?lnc-AL355149.1-1, and?lnc-ZNF674-1 was observed. High levels of?lnc-C22orf32-1 and?lnc-AL355149.1-1 were significantly associated with the male patients 24822202 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0811 lnc-ZNF674-1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma microarray, qPCR etc. NPC tissue up-regulated expression Results. In primary NPC, upregulation of?lnc-C22orf32-1,?lnc-AL355149.1-1, and?lnc-ZNF674-1 was observed. High levels of?lnc-C22orf32-1 and?lnc-AL355149.1-1 were significantly associated with the male patients 24822202 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0831 LOC401317 nasopharyngeal carcinoma microarray, qPCR, Western blot, knockdown, Luciferase reporter assay etc. cell lines (HNE2, HNE1, CNE2) up-regulated regulation LOC401317 was the most significantly upregulated lncRNA. Further studies indicated that LOC401317 is diretcly regulated by p53 and that etcopic expression of LOC401317 inhibits HNE2 cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. LOC401317 inhibited cell cycle progression by increasing p21 expression and decreasing cyclin D1 and cyclin E1 expression and promoted apoptosis through the induction of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and caspase-3 cleavage. 25422887 Lnc2Cancer
EL0853 MALAT1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma N/A N/A N/A expression The result found that MALAT1 was most highly expressed in 5-8F cells (high rate to be tumor and metastasis), and up-regulated in CNE-2, C666-1 and HONE-1 which is higher malignant and poorly differentiated nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, while least expressed in NP69 epithelial cells of the eternal life. The data indicated that MALAT1 might be related to the metastasis and differentiation of NPC cells. 24817925 LncRNADisease
EL0853 MALAT1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma qPCR, Western blot, Luciferase reporter assays, RIP etc. NPC cell lines (5-8F, CNE-2, HONE-1, SUNE-1), NPE cell line (NP-69) up-regulated interaction We found that MALAT1 regulated radioresistance by modulating cancer stem cell (CSC) activity. Furthermore, we found that there was reciprocal repression between MALAT1 and miR-1, and slug was identified as a downstream target of miR-1. Taking these observations into consideration, we proposed that MALAT1 regulated CSC activity and radioresistance by modulating miR-1/slug axis, which indicated that MALAT1 could act as a therapeutic target for NPC patients 26482776 Lnc2Cancer
EL0853 MALAT1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma qPCR, Western bolt etc. cell lines (5-8F, 6-10B, CNE-1, CNE-2 etc.) up-regulated N/A MALAT1 was highly expressed in 5-8F cells with a high metastatic potential, and lowly expressed in normal nasopharyngeal epithelium cells. Overexpression of MALAT1 by RNAa suppressed the expression of E-cadherin, promoted the expression of vimentin and enhanced the proliferation, invasion, and metastasis of CNE-1 cells. 23688988 Lnc2Cancer
EL0973 NEAT1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma N/A NPC cell lines and tissues up-regulated N/A significantly upregulated in NPC cell lines and tissues 27020592
EL0977 NKILA nasopharyngeal carcinoma microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissue, cell lines (CNE-2 etc.) up-regulated expression Six lncRNAs (AF086415, AK095147, RP1-179N16.3, MUDENG, AK056098 and AK294008) were confirmed by qPCR. 24379026 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1007 NPTN-IT1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma qPCR, Western blot, knockdown etc. NPC tissue, cell lines (CNE2, HNE2) down-regulated interaction We found that lncRNA-LET was significantly downregulated in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) tissues compared with corresponding normal tissues. Decreased LET expression is significantly correlated with advanced clinical stage, larger tumor size, increased lymph node tumor burden, and poor survival of NPC patients. Knockdown of LET promoted NPC cells proliferation and inhibited cell apoptosis. Importantly, we found lncRNA-LET is transcriptional repressed by EZH2-mediated H3K27 histone methylation on the LET promoter. The expressions of EZH2 and lncRNA-LET are significantly inversely correlated in NPC tissues. 26243049 Lnc2Cancer
EL1022 ORAOV1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissue, cell lines (CNE-2 etc.) up-regulated expression Six lncRNAs (AF086415, AK095147, RP1-179N16.3, MUDENG, AK056098 and AK294009) were confirmed by qPCR. 24379026 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1155 Z95152.1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissue, cell lines (CNE-2 etc.) up-regulated expression Six lncRNAs (AF086415, AK095147, RP1-179N16.3, MUDENG, AK056098 and AK294006) were confirmed by qPCR. 24379026 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer