LncRNA Information
ID EL1399 Name TUG1 Aliases LINC00080; NCRNA00080; TI-227H
Species Homo sapiens Chromosome 22 Start site 30970677
End site 30979395 Chain plus Exon NO. 4
Assembly Ensembl Release 89 Class antisense NCBI accession NR_110492, NR_002323, NR_110493
Ensembl ENSG00000253352 Sequence

Disease Method Sample Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID Source
prostate cancer integrating analysis of sequence features and gene expression profiles prostate cancer up-regulated N/A sub-cellular localization-dependent function 26975529
gastric cancer knockdown of TUG1 repressed GC proliferation non-small cell lung cancer up-regulated N/A TUG1 was associated with PRC2 26913601
Huntington's disease N/A N/A N/A expression TUG1 is upregulated in Huntington's disease brains, which is from the reanalysis of the Affymetrix U133A and B microarray data on normal and HD brains in this review. 22202438 LncRNADisease
Huntington's disease N/A N/A N/A expression LncRNAs TUG1 (necessary for retinal development), and NEAT-1 (a structural component of nuclear paraspeckles) are upregulated in HD caudate, while the brain-specific tumor-suppressor MEG3 is downregulated in HD. 23346095 LncRNADisease
bladder cancer N/A N/A N/A expression Theseguilty by association studies have found numerous bladder-cancer associated lncRNAs 24006935 LncRNADisease
bladder cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation Putative diagnostic and prognostic marker; oncogene 24373479 LncRNADisease
osteosarcoma qPCR etc. osteosarcoma tissue, cell lines (U2OS etc.) up-regulated N/A We found significantly higher TUG1 and n377360 expression levels in osteosarcoma tissues compared with matched non-tumorous tissues. Suppression of TUG1 and n377360 expression by siRNA significantly impaired the cell proliferation potential of osteosarcoma cells. Furthermore, inhibition of TUG1 expression significantly promoted osteosarcoma cell apoptosis. The overexpression of TUG1 and n377360 in osteosarcoma specimens and the functional role of TUG1 and n377360 regarding cell proliferation and apoptosis in an osteosarcoma cell line provided evidence that the use of TUG1 or n377360 may be a viable but an as yet unexplored therapeutic strategy in tumors that over express these factors. 23725133 Lnc2Cancer
multiple myeloma qPCR etc. blood (plasma) up-regulated N/A In our study, TUG1 levels were investigated in cell free plasma samples and higher expression was only observed in the MM group although correlation with disease state was observed both in the CLL and MM groups. 24583225 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
glioma qPCR etc. cell lines(U251, U87) down-regulated expression MEG3 and ST7OT1 are up-regulated in both cell lines under apoptosis induced using both agents. The induction of GAS5 is only clearly detected during DOX-induced apoptosis, whereas the up-regulation of neat1 and MIR155HG is only found during RES-induced apoptosis in both cell lines. However, TUG1, BC200 and MIR155HG are down regulated when necrosis is induced using a high dose of DOX in both cell lines. 25645334 Lnc2Cancer
urothelial carcinoma of the bladder qPCR, knockdown etc. cell lines (T24, 5637 etc. up-regulated expression Long intergenic non-coding RNA TUG1 is overexpressed in urothelial carcinoma of the bladder. 22961206 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
esophageal squamous cell carcinoma qPCR, knockdown, FCA etc. ESCC tissue up-regulated interaction TUG1 was significantly overexpressed in ESCC tissues compared with paired adjacent normal tissues, and high expression level of TUG1 was associated with family history and upper segment of esophageal cancer. Further, in vitro silencing TUG1 via siRNA inhibited the proliferation and migration of ESCC cells and blocked the progression of cell cycle. 25366138 Lnc2Cancer
non-small cell lung cancer qPCR, Western blot, Luciferase reporter assay, knockdown etc. cell lines (A549, SK-MES-1, NCI-H1299 etc.) down-regulated regulation P53-regulated?long?non-coding?RNA?TUG1 affects cell proliferation in human non-small cell lung cancer, partly through epigenetically regulating HOXB7 expression. 24853421 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR, Western blot, Luciferase reporter assay, knockdown, RIP etc. bladder cancer tissue, up-regulated interaction We confirmed that TUG1 was overexpressed in bladder cancer tissues and established cell lines. Knockdown of TUG1 inhibited bladder cancer cell metastasis both in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, we found that TUG1 promoted cancer cell invasion and radioresistance through inducing epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Interestingly, TUG1 decreased the expression of miR-145 and there was a reciprocal repression between TUG1 and miR-145 in an Argonaute2-dependent manner. ZEB2 was identified as a down-stream target of miR-145 and TUG1 exerted its function through the miR-145/ZEB2 axis. 26318860 Lnc2Cancer
hepatocelluar carcinoma qPCR, Western blot, Luciferase reporter assay, knockdown, RIP etc. HCC tissue, cell lines (HepG2, MHCC-97H, Hep3B) up-regulated interaction TUG1 expression was up-regulated in HCC tissues and the higher expression of TUG1 was significantly correlated with tumor size and Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) stage. Moreover, silencing of TUG1 expression inhibited HCC cell proliferation, colony formation, tumorigenicity and induced apoptosis in HCC cell lines. We also found that TUG1 overexpression was induced by nuclear transcription factor SP1 and TUG1 could epigeneticly repress Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) transcription in HCC cells by binding with PRC2 and recruiting it to KLF2 promoter region. 26336870 Lnc2Cancer
colorectal cancer quantitative real-time PCR cultured representative CRC cell lines and 120 CRC patients up-regulated N/A increased their colony formation, migration, and invasion in vitro 26856330
glioma quantitative RT-PCR, Annexin V/PI staining and cell counting kit-8 assays glioma tissues down-regulated interaction The dysregulation of taurine upregulated gene 1 affected the apoptosis and cell proliferation of glioma cells. Taurine upregulated gene 1 promoted cell apoptosis of glioma cells by activating caspase-3 and -9-mediated intrinsic pathways and inhibiting Bcl-2-mediated anti-apoptotic pathways, acting as a tumor suppressor in human glioma. 26748401

Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
IgG RNA-Protein binding binding with IgG shown by RIP-Chip data. 19571010 LncRNADisease
PRC2 RNA-Protein binding binding with PRC2 shown by RIP-Chip data. 19571010 LncRNADisease
p53 DNA-TF regulation TUG1 is induced by p53, binds to PRC2, and has a role in repressing specific genes involved in cell-cycle regulation. 19571010 LncRNADisease
PRC2 RNA-Protein binding TUG1 is induced by p53, binds to PRC2, and has a role in repressing specific genes involved in cell-cycle regulation. 19571010 LncRNADisease
PRC2 RNA-Protein binding Required for the proper formation of photoreceptors in the developing retina. Tug1 associates with PRC2 and represses a number of cell cycle genes. 21256239 LncRNADisease
Pc2 DNA-Protein regulation methylation/demethylation of Polycomb 2 protein (Pc2) controls relocation of growth-control genes between Polycomb bodies (PcGs) and interchromatin granules (ICGs) in response to growth signals. This movement is the consequence of binding of methylated and unmethylated Pc2 to the ncRNAs TUG1 and MALAT1/NEAT2. 22078878 LncRNADisease
polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) RNA-Protein binding binding to polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2), 25366138
miR-145 RNA-RNA regulation TUG1 decreased the expression of miR-145 and there was a reciprocal repression between TUG1 and miR-145 in an Argonaute2-dependent manner. 26318860
PRC2 RNA-Protein binding TUG1 could epigeneticly repress Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) transcription in HCC cells by binding with PRC2 and recruiting it to KLF2 promoter region. 26336870
Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) RNA-Protein regulation TUG1 could epigeneticly repress Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) transcription in HCC cells by binding with PRC2 and recruiting it to KLF2 promoter region. 26336870
Bcl-2 RNA-Protein regulation Taurine upregulated gene 1 promoted cell apoptosis of glioma cells by activating caspase-3 and -9-mediated intrinsic pathways and inhibiting Bcl-2-mediated anti-apoptotic pathways, acting as a tumor suppressor in human glioma. 26748401
caspase-3 and -9 RNA-Protein regulation Taurine upregulated gene 1 promoted cell apoptosis of glioma cells by activating caspase-3 and -9-mediated intrinsic pathways and inhibiting Bcl-2-mediated anti-apoptotic pathways, acting as a tumor suppressor in human glioma. 26748401
PTEN RNA-DNA regulation The tumour-suppressive function of two lncRNAs (TUG1 and CTB-89H12.4) and their regulation of PTEN expression in prostate cancer. 26975529