LncRNA Information
ID EL0369 Name EMX2OS Aliases EMX2-AS1; NCRNA00045
Species Homo sapiens Chromosome 10 Start site 117473215
End site 117545068 Chain minus Exon NO. 4
Assembly Ensembl Release 89 Class antisense NCBI accession NR_002791
Ensembl ENSG00000229847 Sequence

Function (not disease relevant)
Methods Sample/condition Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID Source
N/A endometrium N/A interaction A biological function for emx2os, presumably to regulate emx2. 12573261

Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
EMX2 RNA-RNA co-expression Emx2, emx2os, emx2, and emx2os are abundant in the uterine endometrium, with sense and antisense transcripts exhibiting identical expression patterns. 12573261
EMX2 RNA-RNA regulation EMX2OS post-transcriptionally regulates the abundance of the coding transcript, thereby regulating activity of EMX2. 21128942 LncRNADisease