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longnpcRNA,COOLAIR (cold induced long antisense intragenic RNA), is cold induced FLC antisense transcripts, and has an early role in the epigenetic silencing of FLC and to silence FLC transcription transiently. COOLAIR suggested to function in early cold induced silencing of FLC transcription; COOLAIR promoter could silence some reporter genes. Suggests COOLAIR may function through transcriptional interference, although a function for the transcripts has not been tested. (Swiezewski et al., 2009) COOLAIR is expressed at A.thaliana FLOWERING LOCUS C(FLC) in response to winter temperatures. Its contribution to cold-induced silencing of FLC was proposed but its functional and evolutionary significance remain unclear. COOLAIR has been shown to participate in FLC downregulation by the autonomous pathway but its function in the cold-induced silencing of FLC is still unclear. Evolutionary conservation of COOLAIR and its seasonal expression in perennial A.alpina supports a significant role for this asRNA in repression of FLC gene expression during vernalization. The COLDAIR lncRNA transcribed from it were previously shown to be required for stable silencing of FLC in A.thaliana. (Castaings et al., 2014) COOLAIR comprises the Class I and II polyadenylated antisense FLC transcripts, and has been proposed to trigger vernalization-mediated FLC silencing by a co-transcriptional mechanism. A recent study using FLC mutants with insertional T-DNAs that can block the full-length transcription and separate the sense and antisense transcription, has revealed that elimination of COOLAIR transcription does not impair FLC silencing by vernalization. Thus, COOLAIR is not essential for FLC silencing. Of note, it is likely that COOLAIR might participate in vernalization-mediated FLC silencing via a co-transcriptional mechanism involving an overlapping transcription of sense and antisense transcripts. (He et al., 2012) COOLAIR is now used to describe the FLC antisense transcript generally, both in warm-and cold-treated plants. COOLAIR transcription is generally positively correlated with sense transcription in a range of flowering mutants that both upregulate (late-flowering mutants) and downregulate (early-flowering mutants) FLC expression. COOLAIR might modulate FLC expression. When vernalized for longer, COOLAIR expression and FLC mRNA decrease over time and remain stably silenced after return to the warm. The involvement of COOLAIR and COLDAIR in regulating FLC during vernalization. (Ietswaart et al., 2012) COOLAIR, produced at Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). COOLAIR initiates just downstream of the major sense transcript poly(A) site and terminates either early or extends into the FLC promoter region. We now show that splicing of COOLAIR is functionally important. Since reduced use of the COOLAIR proximal poly(A) site disrupted transcriptional repression of FLC,we reasoned that reduced splicing efficiency of the COOLAIR class Ii intron, necessary to generate the exon containing that poly(A) site, might be an important factor in the increased expression of FLC in prp8. (Marquardt et al., 2014) COOLAIR is an antisense RNA that is transcribed in response to cold treatment. COOLAIR is alternatively polyadenylated at the 3' end, resulting in a proximal poly(A)site or a distal ploy(A) site. to reduce the H3K4me2 level at the FLC locus, leading to a transition from an active chromatin state to a repressive state. The reduction of H3K4me2 might benefit the H3K27me3 modification; thus, COOLAIR acts as an in direct recruiter of PRC2. However,how FLD is activated using the proximal site of COOLAIR remains unknown. (He et al., 2013) Two non coding RNAs(ncRNA) are involved in FLC repression. Early FLC silencing is mediated by COOLAIR (cold induced long antisense intragenic RNA), a cold-induced FLC antisense transcript expressed early during vernalization. (Bergonzi et al., 2012) |
20010688, 25030056, 22658650, 22785023, 24725596, 24312106 |