LncRNA Information
ID EL0243 Name BISPR Aliases lncBST2
Species Homo sapiens Chromosome 19 Start site 17405694
End site 17418904 Chain plus Exon NO. 4
Assembly Ensembl Release 89 Class lincRNA NCBI accession NR_130765, NR_130766
Ensembl ENSG00000282851 Sequence

Disease Method Sample Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID Source
virus infection RNA-seq, qRT-PCR cells infected with hepatitis C virus and in the liver of infected patients up-regulated expression lncBST2/BISPR, are increased in cells infected with hepatitis C virus and in the liver of infected patients. These results allow us to hypothesize that several lncRNAs could be activated by IFN to control the potency of the antiviral IFN response. 25620967