ID lncRNA Name Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
EL1211 Slc44a1 Rab11b RNA-RNA co-expression A variety of ncRNAs were broadly upregulated in OLPs, PMOs and MYOs including AK141895 and AK133808, associated with the Slc44a1 and Rab11b genomic loci, respectively. 20137068 LncRNADisease
EL1211 Slc44a1 Slc44a1 RNA-RNA co-expression A variety of ncRNAs were broadly upregulated in OLPs, PMOs and MYOs including AK141895 and AK133808, associated with the Slc44a1 and Rab11b genomic loci, respectively. 20137068 LncRNADisease