ID lncRNA Name Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
EL0588 HOXA-AS2 EZH2 (enhaner of zeste homolog 2) RNA-Protein binding HOXA-AS2 could epigenetically repress the expression of P21, PLK3, and DDIT3 via binding with EZH2 (enhaner of zeste homolog 2), a key component of PRC2 26384350
EL0588 HOXA-AS2 P21/PLK3/DDIT3 RNA-Protein regulation HOXA-AS2 could epigenetically repress the expression of P21, PLK3, and DDIT3 via binding with EZH2 (enhaner of zeste homolog 2), a key component of PRC2 26384350