ID lncRNA Name Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
EL0040 AFAP1-AS1 several small GTPase family members RNA-Protein regulation AFAP1-AS1 knockdown affected the expression levels of several small GTPase family members and molecules in the actin cytokeratin signaling pathway. 26245991
EL0040 AFAP1-AS1 actin filament associated protein 1 (AFAP1) RNA-Protein regulation AFAP1-AS1 knockdown also increased the expression of its antisense protein coding gene, actin filament associated protein 1 (AFAP1). 26245991
EL0040 AFAP1-AS1 actin filament associated protein 1 (AFAP1) RNA-Protein regulation AFAP1-AS1 knockdown also increased AFAP1 protein expression. 26246469